Maricar’s Sweettooth in HongKong
January 12, 2017
I have a very sweet tooth and my husband knows it. He often jokes about how chocolate brings “STARS” to my eyes.

Whenever we travel, one of my greatest joys is trying out the different snacks from every type of store: a simple stall, convenience store, or highly recommended cafe, etc.
Join me as I check out some goodies on our short trip to HongKong!
Snacks mentioned in the video:
1.Soft serve sweet potato ice cream from Mc Donald’s – OK to try, but I wouldn’t buy it again. 

2. Jagabee purple potato sticks from 7Eleven – Like french fries. VERY CRUNCHY. I enjoyed this very much!

3. Calbee hot & spicy potato chips from 7Eleven – Richard and I really liked this flavor. Spicy and sweet.

4. YoyiC from 7Eleven – Must-try, especially for those who think ONE bottle of Yakult is not enough!

5. Chocolate Marble bread from 7Eleven – I picked this because I love bread and chocolate. Bad choice, however. It was almost stale.The next two items were from Pacific Coffee in Causeway Bay. Check out the video to see what they looked like!

6. Seasalt Coffee Cake – rich coffee taste on the outside, with creamy mousse filling inside. Not too sweet also. Worth a try!
7. Chestnut Chocolate Cake – although it was the prettiest cake on display, the taste was disappointing. Try at your own risk.
Richard was born without a sweettooth. He would ALWAYS prefer chicken feet to chocolate. But I’m really happy that he joins me in my little snack-quests. With a little effort, two opposites can learn to appreciate the same activity. 

Have a happy, Sunday eating sweets with the ones you love!

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