Smart Phone Widows

March 5, 2017
Smart Phone Widows
Are you creating a widow?


I first ran into the term “Sports Widows” a few years ago in a book. It said that some wives become “sports widows” at home because their husbands would be so glued to football/baseball games on TV that deep, intimate conversation with them & the family became rare. It was like the husband wasn’t there at all.
I thought this was too dramatic until an elderly separated woman told me her bitter past. Her husband would come home from work, take the plate of food she prepared for him, walk past the table setting she fixed for “two,” and sit on the couch front of the TV and stay there all night watching sports and news channels discussing politics–topics that really make men passionately talk! ;p

(Read: Love Language 3: Quality Time)

But at the same time, my married mentors always tell me to keep making consistent time and effort to get to know my family deeply as they CHANGE OVER THE YEARS. So that I’ll be passionate enough about them to make better comments and discussions with them, compared to, lets say, to my comments on a basketball game.


I hope I dont make them “widows” with me at home, whether it be “Sports,” “Politics,” “Social Media,” or whatever I’m addicted to on the screen.
And so I thought someone had to be “DEAD” before one becomes a “widow”… :):)


Today, the screens of our smartphones are really getting so much of our attention. We even take it into the bathroom with us sometimes. (Admit it! Haha!)
So many memes, cartoons and videos have been created to show how addicted we are to looking at online content through our smartphones.


There are many times I find myself too glued to my smartphone, then feel impatient when I have to put it down because Richard calls me to help fix his suit. (“Pwede bang mamaya nalang?”)
Or when I’m marathon-watching a TV series and my mom comes in and wants to actually talk about my day.  (“Ma…pwede pagkatapos nitong episode?”)
Then I’d force myself to get over my irritation and have a conversations/interaction with these two people who, in REAL LIFE, are a million-billion times more important than the content on my smartphone.
I don’t think I’ve created social media “widows” of Richard and my mom just yet. But I’ve got to watch out for those small signs of addiction! WHO (or WHAT) is TRULY no.1 in my heart????

(Read: Are you TOP Priority?)

In the past generation, “Sports Widows” were usually women who lost their husbands to the TV screen. Today, it’s social media and it can happen to anyone old enough to operate a smartphone. Let’s ALL be careful and loving.

Posted by relationshipmatters, March 5, 2017


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